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"Te saglabāsies investīcijām labvēlīga vide" (turpinājums). Publicēts oficiālajā laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 28.01.1999., Nr. 25 https://www.vestnesis.lv/ta/id/21344

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28.01.1999., Nr. 25

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.

"Te saglabāsies investīcijām labvēlīga vide"

Ministru prezidents Vilis Krištopans:


no 1.lpp.

Valdība ir nolēmusi, ka lielo uzņēmumu privatizācijas pamatnoteikumi tiks pieņemti Ministru kabinetā. Ekonomikas ministrija ir lūgusi priekšlikumus par "Latvijas kuģniecības" un "Latvenergo" privatizāciju iesniegt valdībai līdz 15. februārim. Privatizācijas procesam jābūt atklātam, katram pieejamam un maksimāli izdevīgam valstij.

Latvijas valdība apzinās sakarību starp labklājību un brīvo tirdzniecību. Mēs varam gūt labumu vienīgi tad, ja ekonomika ir atvērta preču, kapitāla, pakalpojumu un darbspēka brīvai kustībai. Tādēļ ir loģiski, ka Latvija pirmā no Baltijas valstīm ir kļuvusi par Pasaules tirdzniecības organizācijas locekli.

Pagājušajā gadā Latvija bija tuvu tam, lai sāktos sarunas par iestāšanos Eiropas Savienībā. Latvija bija ievērojusi nepieciešamos kritērijus un gatava iekļauties integrācijas procesa jaunā posmā. Vienīgi negaidītas norises ES iekšienē izjauca notikumu loģisko gaitu. Tomēr mēs neatlaidīgi centīsimies pierādīt, ka Latvija ir gatava uzsākt sarunas par iestāšanos ES.

Dāmas un kungi!

Amerikāņi mēdz teikt: neatgādini man to, ko manā labā esi izdarījis vakar, bet pasaki, ko darīsi rīt.

Pavisam īsi par paveikto. Latvija ir atvērusi savus tirgus ārvalstu kapitālieguldījumiem praktiski visos sektoros. Ir ratificētas vairākas starptautiskas konvencijas par investīciju aizsardzību. Latvijas likumi paredz ārvalstu tiešo investīciju aizsardzību.

Atbilstoši konkurences pieaugumam reģionā mana valdība ir izvirzījusi jaunus mērķus ārvalstu investīciju piesaistei.

Esmu nodomājis uzsākt sistemātiskāku dialogu ar jau esošajiem ārzemju investoriem. Mūsu biznesa vide var tikt uzlabota, un mēs esam šeit ne tikai tādēļ, lai stāstītu par saviem darbiem, bet arī lai aicinātu jūs dot savu ieguldījumu.

Man ir prieks redzēt šeit gan privātā, gan valsts sektora pārstāvjus. Lai risinātu auglīgu dialogu, ir vajadzīga viedokļa apmaiņa, ir jāuzklausa un jāsadzird vienam otru, tikai tad var panākt visefektīvākos risinājumus. Tāpēc es ceru dzirdēt jūsu viedokļus, domas un apsvērumus gan par darāmo, gan par to, kā veidosim mūsu sadarbību.

Es gribētu zināt, vai potenciālie ārzemju investori reaģē uz signāliem, kurus saņem no jums — esošiem investoriem. Vai esat ieteikuši viņiem ieguldīt kapitālu Latvijā? Ceram, ka tā ir. Ja nav, tad kādēļ?

Valdība ir lūgusi izpētīt administratīvās barjeras, kādas eksistē mūsu valstī investīciju jomā, lai iegūtu situācijas novērtējumu. Esmu visumā apmierināts ar šo pētījumu.

Tagad mums ir jādomā par darbiem, kuri būs jāveic pēc šī ziņojuma.

Esmu iecerējis izveidot darba grupu, kurā būtu gan valsts, gan privātā sektora pārstāvji un kura nodarbotos ar ziņojumā minēto jautājumu risināšanu. Darba grupa varētu risināt vairākus uzdevumus:

1) varētu apzināt problēmas, kas minētas ziņojumā, un tajā ietvertos ieteikumus, paredzot atbilstošu likumprojektu izstrādi vai sadarbību ar attiecīgām valdības institūcijām,

2) darba grupas locekļi varētu izmantot šodien un turpmāk izteiktos ierosinājumus. Darba grupa varētu funkcionēt kā interaktīvs mehānims problēmu apspriešanā un risinājumu meklēšanā, izmantojot ekspertīzi, tā varētu efektīvi novirzīt īpašos pieprasījumus to apmierināšanai;

3) darba grupa varētu palīdzēt ārvalstu investoru padomes izveidē.

Noslēgumā es gribētu uzsvērt, ka Latvija ir parādījusi savu vēlmi un spēju sacensties ārvalstu investīciju piesaistē.

Mana valdība atzīst, ka mūsu uzdevums ir pārliecināt ārzemju investorus, ka Latvijā saglabāsies investīcijām labvēlīga un prognozējama vide. Viens no labākajiem veidiem, kā pārliecināt investorus ir to iesaistīšana procesā, lai viņu devums būtu jūtams un tiktu izmantots.

Viens no pirmajiem soļiem procesa turpmākajā attīstībā ir mūsu šodienas tikšanās, lai apspriestu ziņojumā minētās administratīvās barjeras. Šodien un nākotnē mēs apspriedīsim jūsu pieredzi un ieteikumus.

Savas valdības vārdā es vēlētos uzsvērt mūsu apņēmību sadarboties. Es sagaidu, ka šādu apņēmību izteiks arī ārzemju investori.

Pateicos par uzmanību!

"LV" (Juris Afremovičs)

tulkojums no angļu valodas

Uzruna ziņojuma "Administratīvās barjeras investīcijām Latvijā" prezentācijā Rīgā 1999. gada 27. janvārī

Vilis Krištopans, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia:

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen!

First of all, I would like to thank the World Bank and the Latvian Development Agency for conducting the study on administrative barriers to investment in Latvia. I believe that today’s discussions will encourage representatives from both public and private sectors to work jointly for limiting those barriers in the most efficient way.

A primary objective of all Governments is to ensure sustainable economic growth, to promote trade and investment. Latvia as the key for achieving this objective chose a tight fiscal and monetary policy, structural reforms and strategic planning for macroeconomic stability.

Latvia’s macroeconimic performance has proven that a commitment to maintain a stable and predictable macroeconomic environment has given results:

Latvia is one of the best performers among the Central and East European countries. In 1998, inflation was below 3%, GDP grew for about 4,5% (even despite an economic downturn in neighboring countries and especially in Russia), the budget since 1997 is balanced, the Government adopted balanced budget also for 1999. Growth in foreign direct investment is steady and reached 1,6 billion USD by the end of 1998.

During this and the next year the Government will pay the main attention to maintaining economic stability and completing structural reforms — privatization, reform of public sector and others.

Soma more words about privatization — I would like to confirm that the privatization process will be continued. The Government has made a decision that basic provisions for privatization of large enterprises will be adopted by the cabinet of Ministers. The Ministry of Economy is asked to submit proposals for privatization of the Latvian Shipping Company and the Latvenergo to the Cabinet by the 15th of February. The privatization process has to be transparent, open to everyone and maximising profit for the country.

The Latvian government sees the connection between prosperity and free trade. We can prosper only as an economy open to the free movement of goods, capital, services and labor. Therefore it is logical that Latvia is the first Baltic state — a member of the World Trade Organization.

Last year Latvia was also very close to be invited to accession negotiations with the European Union. Latvia had fulfilled the necessary criteria and was ready to enter a new stage in the process of integration into the EU. Only unsettled issues within the EU did not allow this logical development to take place. However, we will be working even harder to prove that Latvia is able and ready to begin negotiation its accession to the EU.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to quote an American proverb that says: "Don’t bother me with what you did for me yesterday, tell me what you are going to do for me tomorrow."

Just few words on what has been already done. Latvia has opened its markets in virtually all sectors to the foreign investment. Several international conventions related to investment protection have been ratified. Latvian law provides protection for foreign direct investment.

However, as the competition increases throughout the region, my government has accepted the challenge and has set new targets to attract foreign investment.

I intend to star a more systematic dialog with already established foreign investors. Our business environment can be improved and we’re here not just to tell you what we’re doing right but also to ask for your contribution.

I am glad to see here representatives from both private and public sector. To have a productive dialogue we need to exchange views, to listen and to hear each other. Only then the most efficient action can be taken. Therefore I hope to hear your views, concerns and opinions on what remains undone and how could we work together.

I would like to know whether potential foreign investors are responding to the signals they are receiving from you — those who are already established in Latvia. Are you advising them to invest in Latvia? We hope so. If not, then why not?

The government had requested a study on Administrative Barriers to Investment in Latvia in order to receive an assessment of the situation. I am satisfied with the study and mostly agree to points raised there.

Now we have to think about the follow-up to the report. I intend to establish a working group with representatives from both the public and private sector to work on solutions for issues identified in the report.

The working group could take on several tasks:

• First, the working group could identify the problems raised and recommendations proposed in the Report. This could include drafting appropriate legislation or cooperating with the relevant government institutions.

• Second, members of the working group could incorporate the suggestions raised today and in the future. The working group could function as an interactive mechanism for discussing problem issues and identifying solutions. With its expertise, the working group could effectively channel specific requests for improvement.

• Third, the working group could assist in setting up a Foreign Investors Council.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that Latvia has demonstrated its willingness and ability to compete for foreign investment. Data on FDI attracted proves that our track record has been very strong. Nevertheless, my government recognizes that the challenge is to convince foreign investors that Latvia maintains a favorable and predictable environment for investment. One of the best ways to convince investors is to make them part of the process, so that their input is heard and utilized.

As the first step in what promises to be an ongoing process, we meet today to discuss the administrative barriers raised in the FIAS Report. Today and in the future, we look forward to discussing your experiences and suggestions.

On behalf of my government, I would like to emphasize our commitment to cooperation. I look forward to receiving the same commitment from the foreign investor community.

Thank you.

Address at the presentation of the report "Administrative barriers to investment in Latvia" Riga, 27 January 1999

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.



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